We are almost halfway done with our Montana season already!!! This saddens and excites us here @ AWA. We still have so many trout to bring boat side as we enter the dry fly season on all the rivers. Its almost time for us to dig deep into our creative bag of tricks and provide value added services to our clients. Something most others in the area seem to miss. AWA fishes 17 rivers and then some throughout our season. Call us for details and we will get you hooked up.
So far the biggest fish of the season goes to Paul of Alaska! Each year he brings the good vibes and it pays off with pictures to prove it. Congrats on your 25 ¼” brown my friend. Fish of a lifetime for most, I know we got a bigger one on lock coming next year! Checkout what Paul is up to with his action sports athlete career. Just GOOGLE Paul Thacker Monster Energy! Its a good read, I promise.
As always, thank you to all who have came out this Montana season. AWA looks forward to seeing each and everyone of you again soon in Montana, Louisiana, or Abroad!!! Cheers